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Carbon reduction and Sustainability


Phrases like 'from farm to fork' or 'food miles' are terms that are often currently used in promoting sustainably grown produce. Whilst Farm Shops and Pick Your Own places perhaps offer relatively short food miles other places like supermarkets and even green grocers might have brought in products from around the globe. This is great for variety but not so great for the carbon foot print. Flying in products, often thousands of miles, is brilliant if you want a Piccolo Tomato in December but throughout summer and into Autumn why not have your own supply in your garden. Not only is it a great feeling to harvest food you've grown yourself but it's also great for the planet too!

Our suppliers

Now we are not claiming we are perfect when it comes to food miles and our carbon footprint. Some of our seeds come from different countries and we use plastic pots. Whilst this isn't ideal, it is a fraction of the food miles that some popular vegetables have when buying from the supermarket. Our seeds are small and take up the a tiny amount compared to the harvested produce and our plastic pots are fully recyclable. We are also moving to a peat free compost in line with government guidelines.


The watering of our plants is done with rain water which we collect in a large buttress next to our growing area. We always hope to use rain water as it is kinder to the plants and it hasn't been through the treatment process, which again reduces the energy impact.

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